Tuesday, June 30, 2020

4 Habits of Highly Successful People to Kickstart Your Day (June 2020)

4 Habits of Highly Successful People to Kickstart Your Day (June 2020) 4 Habits of Highly Successful People to Kickstart Your Day in 2020 Image Source: iStockIt’s  often said that you should start as you mean to continue. The successes of many leading entrepreneurs stem from attention to detail and focusing on the things that most people take for granted. This includes morning time. It’s a crucial part of the day for the most successful and wealthiest people in business. And you can learn, and excel, through their example. The early morning habits of highly successful people  can make your days rock like a billionaire’s, so why not learn by example? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Follow the Leaders! Study The  Habits of Highly Successful People Image Source: AmazonFew writers illustrate this better than the great Stephen R Covey, and his brilliant The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. However, it is not an overnight phenomenon. Success does not come immediately for business leaders. Their businesses take lots of hard work and dedication. So does the per sonal growth of the character who is driving this business. Change will not come overnight, but if you study these 4 habits of highly successful people, and make some adjustments, change  will  come; and once you see the benefits, these are habits that will stay with you for life. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. Get  a RoutineAnother  of the most influential thinkers and writers on personal and business productivity is Hal Elrod, and his  The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM). Image Source: Amazon Check Price In simple terms, if you are the type of person who gets up late, skips breakfast, has a hectic dash  to work and makes it to the office, this will set the tone for the rest of your day, every day.Hal Elrod suggests that any area of your life can undergo dramatic transformation simply by changing the way you wake up in the morning.He writes:  â€œHow you wake up each day and your morning routine (or la ck thereof) dramatically affects your levels of success in every single area of your life. Focused, productive, successful mornings generate focused, productive, successful daysâ€"which inevitably create a successful lifeâ€"in the same way that unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre mornings generate unfocused, unproductive, and mediocre days, and ultimately a mediocre quality of life.It’s easier said than done, of course, and it can only be done on the basis of a series of activities that is right for the individual person.But here is a useful, and fun, starter, in the form of advice from male image consultant and style expert, Aaron Marino, on developing your very own “kick ass routine” to get the ball rolling every morning. Its clear that a morning routine is one of key habits of highly successful people.Video  Source: YouTube2. Start EarlierOne  of AGENT’s associates was a man in the retail sector who always made a special effort to attempt at least one new technique or a pproach during the month of January. It nearly always worked to his satisfaction.Asked for an explanation of his strategy, the man simply shrugged and said, “It’s Winter, and retail is pretty exhausting over Christmas, and most of the sector is asleep when January rolls in. It’s a good time to set yourself apart from what everyone else is doing.”It’s for reasoning such as this that it’s a great idea to set your alarm clock at least an hour to two hours earlier than what you’ve been accustomed to. Everyone else is asleep. Including everyone who can distract you from your objectives. Think about Apple CEO Tim Cook. He’s working out in the gym, as early as 3.45am!Cook may be pushing it to extremes, of course, but think about it…  even  rigorously research the subject… you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who ever achieved anything of significance if they were a habitual late-riser.Again, this is about mental discipline, physical routine. So set that alarm clock ea rlier, switch it off when it wakes you, and get out of bed immediately. This is one of the habits of highly successful people that you can implement immediately, tomorrow morning.Even if youre the worst kind of morning person, don’t do what Bill Murray does    You will need the alarm the next morning.[WPGP gif_id=4285 width=700]Gif Source: Giphy (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 3. Think PositiveThe  reflexive option for many these days is to reach for the smartphone in order to check email. It’s clear from studying the habits of highly successful people that quite a number of business leaders and high-achievers that email is avoided first thing in the morning.For many really successful  business leaders, the  moments immediately after opening the  eyes truly set the tone for the rest of the  day, and should not be spent looking at email or work-related social media posts.So, try reading or viewing something brief, concise and inspirational during those crucial first waking moments.If you dont want to read a book or view a screen, and are itching to put your smartphone to some use, then let it be for positive reasons. Never, ever underestimate the power of positive thinking, no matter how hackneyed and clichéd you believe the expression is due to the sheer volume of its usage. Positivity is one of the habits of highly successful people that is scientifically proven to work. So banish that negativity, today.4. Be GratefulMany  really successful businesspeople, leaders and high achievers swear by the conscious practice of gratitude, and it is something that they focus on most intently first thing in the morning.“Some people think the antidote to negative thinking is positive thinking… In my opinion, the antidote to negative thinking is gratitude.”Leadership expert and best selling author, Mark Sanborn’s words here are instructive.Sanborn, the author of such acclaimed business books as The Fred Factor,  You Dont Need a Title to Be a Leader, and  Up, Down, or Sideways: How to Succeed When Times Are Good, Bad, or In Between, tells us that gratitude is a gift that is simultaneously given and  received.Gratitude  repays any leader, whether in  sales, customer service, or operations, in four key ways. Sanborn  describes gratitude as:1. The gift of Perspective (allowing you to focus on what you have, rather than what you do not; on what is right rather than what is wrong);2. The gift of Energy (building your psychological and spiritual reserves and energising you to do something in response to realisation of what you have in life)3. The gift of Guidance  (reminding you of what is important to you and your team, and where you should focus your time, action, money and attention, and making the difference between what you look at and what you actually see).4. The gift of Resilience  (anyone who surmounts a challenge in life may not actually have been grateful for the challenge, but will certainly appreciate what came f rom the experience: that is resilience, a critical skill for successful leaders). Image Source: Amazon Check Price There is nothing further to add. So, without further ado, set a new, earlier time on your alarm clock, and think about how you are going to usefully spend that time ensuring that you are facing into business every day in peak physical and mental condition.

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